Entrepreneurship Skills
Entrepreneurial skills are skills needed for the process of designing, launching and running a new business, which is often initially a small business. Entrepreneurship is an individual’s ability to turn ideas into action. It includes creativity, innovation, and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve the objectives.
The Small Business Operators (C-BED SBO) package is designed for individuals with existing businesses that they intend to strengthen and grow. Participants are introduced to an example of a fictional family business through which the five key principles of marketing are discussed: product, place, price, promotion, and people. After moving through activities on bookkeeping, productivity, understanding the customer base, and costing, participants will identify ways to track problems in the business and prioritize ways of addressing them.
Financial education for business planning aims to give the understanding regarding financial services, how to assess collateral and calculate interest rates, plan for depreciation, as well as financial planning for risk and crisis. The basic requirements for this training are that participants have already completed prior C-BED training and have an existing business or business experience. Aspiring Entrepreneurs are able to participate but may face challenges related to bookkeeping. It is recommended that participants bring with them their business plans that were developed in past C-BED training. Revision and updating of these plans prior to this training will help.
The CBED Tool for Business Plans is a companion to the CBED training tools for Aspiring Entrepreneurs (AE) and Small Business Owners (SBO). It is designed for groups who have already completed these training tools and will be able to draw on this work to complete a business plan. The tool is divided into two sections. In Section #1 there will be an introduction to each element of the business plan which is provided along with instructions and examples on how to capture the relevant information for your business. In Section #2, it consists of an overview of the business planning process is presented and a blank template for business plans is provided.
The training tool is designed so that entrepreneurs can work either alone or with others to complete the information needed. Entrepreneurs with strong literacy levels and clear business ideas can simply follow the instructions on their own. For entrepreneurs with weaker literacy levels or who have plans to form a business partnership or collective, the tool can be used in pairs or small groups of up to seven people. In any situation, the step by step instructions are designed to make the process of capturing a business plan simple.
This Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EI) training builds on the key principles of the innovative process to develop the competencies needed to come up with innovative ideas. The emphasis is not on coming up with the best innovative idea but on supporting business owners to develop the skills to come up with innovative ideas through the use of an innovative process. The EI training is designed for individuals that have existing enterprises, particularly those that have been recently established or those that have identified problems.
The contents of the Entrepreneurship training module of EYW Bangladesh is designed is for 5 days training incorporating the contents starting from financial plan, identifying the potential risk factors, business plan, capital etc, a comprehensive discussion for who wants to be developed as entrepreneur. In order to deliver these skills training EYW has developed training modules and provided Training of Trainers (ToT) on the modules to its project staff of partner organizations and number of young male and female who are playing the role as trainer or training facilitator.
Aspiring Entrepreneurs (AE) is a package that had been designed for individuals who are interested in starting a new business. The training support these aspiring entrepreneurs to identify and develop new and different business ideas. They will identify the existing demand, available resources, and their skills, as well as learn how to do a SWOT analysis of their business idea and their community. After working through activities on four key business concepts, participants will reflect on the lessons of the training and document concrete steps that they can take toward starting their own business.