Making space for young ideas to create social change!
Last year, Oxfam Novib and Voice organized a learning event in which 7 young activists from around the world reflected on youth activism. Pakeeza and Bushra were part of this group. These young women shared about their experiences in Pakistan, and about the Empower Youth for Work project. The group of activists discussed new ways young women and men make their voices heard, especially in contexts of restricted civic space.
The young leaders challenged participants on what these new ways of working can mean for the programming and policies of NGOs and donors that seek to work with- and support young women and men in all of their diversity.
A lot has happened since then. Just to name a few:
- The Youth at Heart Strategy of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been finalized, providing new opportunities for youth programming and related funding.
- The Covid-19 pandemic started, creating a breadth of new challenges for everyone around the world that exposes and reinforces existing inequalities. Young activists that navigate an ever shrinking civic space face new limitations.
In this new context, we are sharing a brief Learning Product that captures the inspiration, lessons and hope shared by youth last October.
0520_Learning Event_Youth Power_Oxfam Novib
Hear also directly the video-reflection on the event from Elena Mejia – youth activist from Peru and facilitator of event.
Strengthening the voice and agency of young people is more important than ever in these turbulent times! We hope the products shared contribute to continuing reflections on the collaboration between young activists, (I)NGOs and donors.