Midline report Indonesia
First insights in the impact on the socio-economic situation of youth participating in the Empowerment Youth for Work program[pdf-embedder
This report consists of findings from a telephone survey of young people who participate in the EYW program in Indonesia. These findings provide a snapshot of how this group is faring at the mid-point of program implementation, and presents analysis of trends since the baseline to highlight program contributions towards achieving main outcome areas of EYW in Indonesia.
Overall, this study reveals a number of positive trends in the target group of young men and women participating in the EYW Indonesia program since the baseline that project activities may have contributed to. Average social and economic empowerment has increased for young men and young women and the percentage of young people owning a business jumped from almost nothing to 9% of young men and 4% of young women at the midline.
Young women perceive somewhat fewer social restrictions on their participation in the workforce than they did at the baseline. Young women and men who are self-employed are equally satisfied with the income they derive as young women and men employed by others. Soft skills have also improved, especially for young women, and respondents feel more knowledgeable about family planning than they did at the baseline.
However, there has been no significant change in the employment rate within the target group of EYW participants since the baseline. About one-fifth of respondents who were unemployed at the baseline have since transitioned to employment or self-employment. How-ever, 66% of young men and 73% of young women in the target group remain unemployed (though more than 40% of them are students).
Read the full report: